Vignette® IDM Client, Version 20.1 Release Notes 

RELEASE 20.1, October 30, 2006 (Limited Availability)
Notes last updated: 
October 27, 2006

About This Release

This release provides new features and fixes for defects resolved since the release of Vignette IDM Client, version 19.2. 

Vignette IDM Client version 20.1 is now available for LA customers only.  It can be installed as a new installation or upgraded only from the Vignette IDM Client version 19.2 release.

This document describes the new features in this release, lists errors fixed and discusses other important issues.

Sections in These Notes


Supported Software

The operating systems and other related software versions are listed in the Vignette IDM Client Supported Platforms Matrix.  Vignette extends support only to configurations listed in the Supported Platforms Matrix.

Cross Product Compatibility

Vignette IDM Client 20.1 is only compatible with:

Note: If using IDM Client 20.1 with IDM Server 20.1, then the 20.1.3 IDM Server patch MUST be applied before running IDM Client 20.1.

IDM Client 20.1 will not function correctly with IDM Server 20.1.0, 20.1.1 or 20.1.2 installations. For further information refer to the IDM Server 20.1.3 release note.

Vignette IDM Client 20.1 is also compatible with the following IDM products:


When connecting to a SQL Server 2005 database using the SQL Server 2005 driver, database errors will occur.


Use the SQL Server 2000 driver when connecting to a SQL Server 2005 server, and not the SQL Server 2005 driver.

When the Oracle 10G driver is installed, an error can occur when sending an email and selecting the "To" option.


Internal testing has shown that using the Oracle 9i driver resolves this issue, however, the suitability of this workaround has to be evaluated for each site.


Install the Temporary File Cleanup Service on a local drive.


Installation Instructions & Configuration

The installation instructions for Vignette IDM Client are now located within the Vignette IDM Client Installation Instructions.


Support for Library Services

This release provides support for Library Services, through IDM Find and the ActiveX toolkit. Documents in a Managed Application can now be checked in, checked out and published.

For further information refer to the IDM Client User Guide in the Document Management in IDM Find section, and the IDM ActiveX Toolkit API Reference in the IDMDocMgt control section.

Change Request Ref: JMAN-6FU83R and JMAN-6FU6FV

IDM Find now has the ability to recall Saved Searches

It is now possible to access Saved Searches directly from IDM Find.

Previously Saved Searches could only be accessed through Windows Explorer, but now IDM Find allows Saved Searches to be selected and run.

For further information refer to the IDM Client User Guide in the Saved Searches section under Searching with IDM Find.

Change Request Ref: DTAR-4X8U8U

IDM Find now has the ability to open a document at a specific page

It is now possible for IDM Find to be configured to open a document at a specific page.

When this option is enabled, IDM Find will use the value of a configurable application field to set the page number when viewing the document.

Two new configuration options have been added:

Enable direct display of page offsets within multi-page documents which specifies if this functionality is required, and

Field name containing page offset in application which specifies the field to be used by IDM Find.

For example, if the field is called showpage, and for a particular row this field has a value of 5, then when viewing the document from IDM Find, the document will open at page 5. If the application does not have this field, or the value is NULL or 0 or greater than the actual number of pages in the document, the first page will be displayed.

For further information refer to the IDM System Administration User Guide in the System configuration section.

Change Request Ref: GBLY-5X3VLL

IDM Client now has the ability to export JPEG documents so they can be viewed with MS Office 2003 SP2

IDM Client now has the ability to export TIFF documents containing JPEG files so they can be viewed using Microsoft Office 2003 SP2.

A new configuration option used by IDM Client 20.1 has been added which allows the export of files using compression type 7. Previously, compression type 6 was used, but with the introduction of Microsoft Office 2003 SP2, Microsoft dropped support of documents with compression type 6.

The new option is Export JPEG in TIFF using compression type 7.

If set to Y, the file when exported with IDM Client 20.1 will be set to use compression type 7. If set to N, or not specified, compression type 6 will be used.

For further information refer to the IDM System Administration User Guide in the System Configuration section.

Change Request Ref: JMAN-6JBW4E

IDM Find now allows printing of multiple documents

IDM Find now supports the ability to tag multiple documents, and then send these to a local printer.

For further information about tagging documents, refer to the IDM Client User Guide in the Searching section.

Change Request Ref: JMAN-6BG3QQ

IDM Viewer now has improved document viewing capabilities

The IDM Viewer now includes various enhancements to improve the display accuracy of many document types. Major improvements have been made to Adobe PDF viewing (including support for PDF Forms data) and to Microsoft Word viewing (including support for checkboxes).

Change Request Ref: JMAN-6C4EUU and KNOV-6RUB2R

IDM Viewer now shows the current sub-page number

IDM Viewer now displays the current sub-page number when viewing a document in Preview mode.

Change Request Ref: JWAH-6HJQRX

IDM Find now displays the number of titles returned after a search

IDM Find now displays the number of matching titles when a search is performed.

Change Request Ref: JMAN-6MYTP7

IDM Find now allows the name of a Document Type to contain a forward slash

IDM Find now accepts Document Types where the name contains a forward slash '/', such as "Trust/Estate".

Change Request Ref: CPAT-6NXKQM

IDM Find and IDM Import now allow drop down lists to have a display and actual value

When configuring drop down lists, it is now possible to use the '@' character to separate the display text and the value returned. For example, a value of "UN@United Nations", will display "UN|United Nations" to the end user, but the value entered in the field will be "UN".

For further information refer to the IDM System Administration User Guide in the section Adding a field to a template.

Change Request Ref: JMAN-5CRFXY

IDM Viewer now allows configuration of the default "Search all pages" setting

In IDM Viewer, the default value for the Search All Pages setting in the Find dialog can now be specified as either enabled or disabled. A new configuration option "IDM Viewer: In Text search enable Search All Pages (by default)" has been added.

For further information refer to the IDM System Administration User Guide in the Group Configuration section.

Change Request Ref: JWAH-6PAGV5

IDM Viewer now has the ability to set minimum annotations size

IDM Viewer now has the ability to set a minimum annotation size for margin comments and line width, so that annotations do not get too small to be legible when the document zoom is changed.

Three new configuration options have been added which allow a minimum margin text and line width to be specified.

These options are

AutoSize: Automatically size annotations so they can always be seen
AutoSize: Minimum underline width
AutoSize: Minimum margin comment charheight

For further information refer to the IDM System Administration User Guide in the Client Configuration section.

Change Request Ref: PCAO-56U3FN

Support for Citrix Presentation Server 4

IDM Client 20.1 now supports Citrix Presentation Server 4.

No changes were made to IDM Client, but configuration changes are needed in order for Citrix Presentation Server 4 to work correctly with IDM Client 20.1. A description of the issues and how to resolve them are described in Knowledge Base article 8170 "Using Citrix Presentation Server 4.0 with IDM Client 20.1".

Change Request Ref: PHEL-6UHUL5

New ActiveX method to print current sub-page

Using the ActiveX toolkit, it is now possible to print the current sub-page of a document (for example a MS Office document). The new method to the document control is called PrintCurrentSubPage.

For further information refer to the IDM ActiveX Toolkit API Reference.

Previously, only the whole document could be printed.

Change Request Ref: JBLT-6RZ9ZN

New ActiveX methods to set and query the operator

Using the ActiveX toolkit, it is now possible to query and set the operator when using the Query by Example (QBE) control.

For further information refer to the IDM ActiveX Toolkit API Reference.

Previously, only the equal to '=' operator could be used.

Change Request Ref: MRYI-5EZJZD

Ability to specify the separator for MAPI email address lookups

When sending emails it is now possible to specify the email MAPI address delimiter used to separate email addresses.

Previously, the separator was the comma ',' which was not configurable. This caused issues with some email clients (specifically Microsoft Outlook when the extended email addressing form is used), where the email address from the address book was incorrectly parsed and therefore the email was not sent correctly.

The new configuration option is

IDM Client: MAPI email address delimiter.

For further information refer to the IDM System Administration User Guide in the Maintaining Users section.

Change Request Ref: MWIE-5KLUJ7

Installation is now available using silent install option

IDM Client 20.1 now has a silent install option for both new and upgrade installs.

For further information refer to the Vignette IDM Client Installation Instructions.

Change Request Ref: PSTN-5TWER5

The version of the IDM Client installation is visible on the IDM Control Panel application

It is now possible to see what version of IDM Client has been installed by using the IDM Control Panel application.

Change Request Ref: MKEN-6TZ2MC


Defects Fixed in 20.1

Defect Details

Change Request

IDM Viewer can now successfully launch PDF documents to Adobe Acrobat 7.

Previously, an error would occur when attempting to launch documents to Acrobat 7.


IDM Viewer can now successfully email documents with multiple attachments.

Previously when emailing documents with attachments, not all pages were sent.


In IDM Viewer the issue that parts of PDF documents were obscured or left blank when printing has now been resolved.

Previously, when printing PDF documents, parts of some pages were obscured. In particular the "Table of Contents" seem to have been affected.


In IDM Viewer annotations are now disabled when the image is on a temporary diskset.

When using the View option in IDM Import to view the document, it is no longer possible to add annotations as this is a temporary document.

Previously, the annotations toolbar was enabled when viewing the temporary document, which meant any annotations added were consequently lost when the document was imported.


IDM Find now allows text to be entered after the wildcard character ('*') when doing a search.

Previously, any text entered after the wildcard character ('*') would be ignored.


IDM Find no longer terminates when invalid values are entered for a time field when modifying a title. An error message is now displayed to the user.

Previously, IDM Find would terminate unexpectedly.


IDM Find and IDM Import now successfully start up when the first field in the application's template Query Form or Document Indexing Form is a date field configured as a date picker.

Previously, an error would occur on startup if the first field in the template was a date field configured as a date picker.


IDM Import now disables the "Skip" button if only a single document is imported.

Previously, if a single document was imported, the "Skip" button would remain enabled. Now the "Skip" button is only enabled if multiple documents are being imported. To import multiple documents, select several documents in Windows Explorer, right click and then select Send To -> Vignette IDM.


IDM Client applications using a date picker now work successfully on Windows 2000 & XP.

Previously, the date picker would be empty with only the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons being available.


IDM Client no longer allows a user to successfully change passwords if the configuration option "Permission to change password" is set to N.

The user will now be shown an error message indicating they do not have permission to change their password.

Previously, the password could be successfully changed even when the configuration option was set to N.


The IDM Client can now successfully export documents where the total length of all path and file names are over 4000 characters.

Previously, an error would occur if the total length of all path and file names exceeded 4000 characters, which could happen when exporting large multi page files as individual documents.

For example, when exporting a 5 page file to a directory which was 10 characters long, with a 10 character file name, it requires a total of 500 characters, and if a 50 page document was exported then the error would occur (as the total number of characters would be 5000). This has now been rectified, and even large multi page documents can be exported successfully as single page files.


IDM Client now successfully installs into the correct directories when using non English versions of Windows.

Previously, the installer would create a "Program Files" directory, instead of using the local language equivalent.


The IDM ActiveX toolkit Query by Example (QBE) control now correctly saves titling data which is set programmatically.

Previously, when titling information was set programmatically, this data could be lost and not saved. Manually setting the value behaved correctly.


IDM ActiveX components have been successfully tested in .NET applications. No change was required to the ActiveX toolkit itself, but the following prerequisite is required.

When developing an MDI application using any programming language that supports the .NET Framework please ensure each IDM ActiveX Control resides WITHIN a Panel control. One Panel control per form is sufficient, however many can be used if necessary. This is relevant to all controls that are VISIBLE at runtime.

Failure to adhere to the above prerequisite, can cause errors when the application is run.



Known Defects

Defect Details

Change Request

IDM Viewer

When running IDM Viewer on Windows 2003 to view AFP documents, for some documents only the first page is shown. When running IDM Viewer on Windows XP the same document is able to be viewed correctly.

How to Reproduce
Install IDM Client on Windows 2003 SP1, and display an AFP document.

Run IDM Viewer on a different version of Windows (for example Windows XP SP2)


In IDM Viewer when an image with an overlay is flipped or rotated, the overlay does not always follow the image. The same effect is seen when printing a flipped or rotated image.

How to Reproduce
Rotate an image that has an overlay.

Do not rotate the image when an overlay is used.


In IDM Viewer, if an overlay file can not be found, a blank page is displayed, rather than displaying a warning message and the image without the overlay.

The overlay files stored on the IDM Server in the <CTL_RUNTIME_DIR>/is/overlays/win directory must have their names in lower case, regardless of whether the script references the name with lower, upper or mixed case.

How to Reproduce
Define an overlay file which does not exist, or where the overlay file has capital letters in it. Attempt to view a document with this overlay file.

Use only lower case letters in the overlay files, and ensure that the configured overlay exists on the IDM server.


In IDM Viewer when printing a zoomed area on images greater than A3 using the Screen option, a blank page is sometimes printed if the zoom area is on the right hand side of the image.

How to Reproduce
Display an image file larger than A3 with IDM Viewer and zoom in to the right hand side of the image. Then select Print and the Screen option. A blank page will be printed instead of the correct area.

Zoom out until the area is able to be printed.


In IDM Viewer, when viewing emails with attachments of type HTML or XML, the navigation buttons are disabled when the HTML or XML document is displayed so that you cannot go to another page using the toolbar. The other pages in the document can be viewed using the Page menu options.

How to Reproduce
Import an email with multiple attachments which include HTML and XML files. View this document using IDM Viewer and navigate to the HTML or XML attachment. The navigation buttons will be disabled, so that viewing other pages is no longer possible using the toolbar.

Use one of the Page menu options (such as Next, Previous, First, Last or Go to...) to navigate to other pages.


In IDM Viewer, the Match Whole Word Only option in the Find text search dialog does not function correctly. Matches to part words are also returned.

How to Reproduce
When viewing a text document in IDM Viewer and doing a text search, select the Match Whole Word Only option, and do a search on a string that is contained within a word. The string is returned as a search result.

Search for partial word strings.


A TIFF document which contains both TIFF and JPEG images cannot be exported as a single file.

How to Reproduce
Import a TIFF document which has both TIFF and JPEG images. Try and export the document as a single file.

You can export the pages that are of the same type (e.g. only TIFF or only JPEG). For example, if the first 4 pages are TIFF documents, and the remaining 4 pages are JPEG, you can export pages 1-4 as a single file, or pages 4-8.


In IDM Viewer, there is no warning prompt when exporting a document to an existing file. Similarly, in IDM Find, no warning is given when checking out a document to an existing file.

How to Reproduce
In the Export dialog in IDM Viewer, type in a suggested file name of an existing file with the same extension as the currently viewed document. Selecting the Export button will overwrite the existing file without warning.

Select a filename that does not exist.

IDM Find

In IDM Find, when using a custom template script, the AutoFillFields function is being called erroneously for the second field when the Search button is clicked while the first field is selected. Additionally, the PutCellTextByShortFieldName method is invoking the AutoFill Field function when it is used to change a field value.

How to Reproduce
Configure a custom script for the Document Indexing Form. Select the first field in IDM Find, and then execute "Search".

Ensure the first field is not in focus before executing Search.


In IDM Find, all available saved searches are shown, so that when changing to a different repository instance, the search can fail as the application does not exist on that repository.

How to Reproduce
In IDM Find, save a search using an application in a specific repository instance. Log out of IDM Client, then log back in to a different repository instance. The first saved search is still shown in the list of available searches. Selecting the saved search will generate an error as the application will not exist in the new instance.

When saving searches, use a naming convention which includes the instance name, or use different folders for each repository instance.

IDM Import

In IDM Import if a field has an edit mask containing one or more "0" (configured in the Document Indexing Form), then the value entered is padded up to the length of the edit mask with underscores. For example, if the edit mask for a text field is "0000", and the value entered in IDM Import is "12", then the actual value stored in the application row will be "12__" .

How to Reproduce
In IDM Administration System, navigate to the Document Indexing Form for an application. Right click on a string field, and set the edit mask to "0000". Save the template, and run IDM Import. In the same text field, enter "12", and save the document. Use IDM Find to search for the new document, and check the value of the string field.

Instead of using the character "0" in the template, use a "#" or "9", for example instead of "0000" use "9999" or "####".


In IDM Import, when filling out the title information on a document any changes to the last field being edited will not be saved if the document is saved via the Save option under the File menu.

How to Reproduce
Import a document, when filling out the title information on a document, either through the email import or the desktop import, leave focus on the last edited field and select the Save menu option.

Use the Save button, or exit edit mode before using the Save menu option.

IDM Folder

IDM Folder displays the numeric document type (slevel) number, and not the document type name.

How to Reproduce
Setup document types, display search results in IDM Folder.

Use IDM Find, or train users to understand meaning of the document type numbers.


When closing IDM Folder using Citrix Presentation Server 4, an error is logged to the error log.

How to Reproduce
Run IDM Folder using Citrix Presentation Server 4, and close IDM Find.

The error can be ignored.

Desktop Integration

When using IDM Desktop Integration, it is not possible to log out of IDM Client, as Windows Explorer does not notify IDM Desktop Integration when Windows Explorer is closed.

How to Reproduce
In Windows Explorer, select Vignette IDM and log in.

Log out of Windows.

ActiveX Toolkit

When the Refresh method of the TitleList ActiveX control is called and the number of rows returns the predefined limit, a message is displayed to the user, which is valid. However, any subsequent call to the Refresh method triggers the same warning again. This is especially an issue when the contents of a row are modified, and then the refresh method is called to update the display. This displays the warning again.

How to Reproduce
Configure IDM Find to display only a limited number of search results. Write a sample program which would:

1. execute a search which exceeds the maximum number of rows
2. modify one of the displayed titles and refresh the result list. This will re-display the warning message

Do not configure a limit on the result set.


When installing IDM Client on Windows 2000, an error message pops up stating that the file MSVCRT cannot be updated. This error message does not affect the installation, and can be ignored.

How to Reproduce
Install IDM Client 20.1 on a Windows 2000 platform.

Click Next and ignore the message. The installation will work correctly.


When installing IDM Client, an error message pops up when the installation directory is greater than 98 characters.

How to Reproduce
During installation, enter an installation directory with more than 98 characters.

Choose an installation directory with less than 98 characters.



File Version Details

The file version details for Vignette IDM Client 20.1 are listed within Vignette IDM Client 20.1 File Versions.


Change History

30 October - update for LA release.

Contact Information

Contact us at:

Vignette Corporation
1301 South Mo Pac Expressway
Suite 100
Austin, TX 78746-5776

Contact Customer Support for all customer service requests, as explained in Knowledge Base item 2408 of the Vignette On-line Support System (VOLSS).  VOLSS is available at If you aren't yet a VOLSS user, you can register for a login ID there.

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